12 Apr We convert our know-how to the production of high-tech masks
The COVID-19 emergency is affecting all of us, what looked like an unthinkable event did happen and we are requested to collaborate in order to fight it and overcome it.
The infection spread and the difficulty our community is experiencing to source personal protective equipment (which are reasonably being earmarked to healthcare professionals), along with their raise in price, urged us to put in play our 45 years long experience with the aim to give our contribution to this difficult situation.
Paying the maximum attention to the current sanitary standards, we have created filtering masks, with 3 layers, waterproof, seamless, ergonomic and soft.
Built with special and select technical fibers, featuring 90% of silver ions, our masks are hypoallergenic, bacteriostatic, washable and reusable with no limits, thus sustainable (the protection efficacy is not altered, because it is an intrinsic feature of the fiber and does not derive from treatment that would come away during the washing.
Our masks are designed for the community and they can contribute to contain the spread of COVID-19.